In Memory
of Mike Athey
At our 10 year reunion
Episcopal chaplain dies in Enid
Services set for 11 a.m. Friday in Oklahoma City
Funeral services for the Rev. Michael Athey are scheduled for
11 a.m. Friday at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in Oklahoma
City. Father Athey, who was chaplain to St. Anselm Canterbury
Association at the University of Oklahoma, died over the weekend
in Enid.
"We, who loved Michael and respected his gifts as a minister
and leader in the community, mourn our loss at his death,"
the Rev. Dwight Helt, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church
in Norman, said.
"We are committed to making certain that the community
of St. Anselm Canterbury continues to grow in love and service
as would please Michael and give honor to Christ. Our confidence
is in God's Kingdom where we all will be one, and our faith
is our comfort.
"We appreciate the continued prayers of our friends and
supporters for Michael's family and for the campus ministry
at the University of Oklahoma."
In an August 2001 issue of the Episcopal News Service, Athey
was quoted as saying he'd "thought about the priesthood
since I was a child."
Prior to entering the seminary, he was a banker.
Athey was known for many gifts of time and resources including
a $1 million endowment to his seminary, Episcopal Seminary of
the Southwest, in 2001.
The gift established the Zacchaeus Endowment and remains one
of the largest given in the seminary's 50-plus years of establishment.
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