25 Year Reunion - August 2006

Phillip Young (Enid, OK) is the culprit that has held our 20 year banner hostage for 5 years.
Neil Harris (Eaton, CO) had nothing to do with the abduction.
Ben Wanders (Los Angeles, CA) drove to Enid in 100 degree weather with no A/C.
Did you guess which twin this is? It's Toby Weldon (Enid, OK).
Henry Grothe (Enid, OK) was voted most likely to get Mike Magee a beer.

Did you figure out who this is with the great smile?
It's Lisa (Neal) Ramsey (Midwest City, OK) and her husband Michael.
We think they are big Philadelphia Eagle fans.

These two guys?
Randy Harding (Enid, OK) and Brian Guthrie (Enid, OK). That's right, these two drove to Enid
all the way from Enid. Hint, hint. (you local no-shows know who you are)
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