I just received this email from Julie Seymore.
Rodger Pryor passed away this week. He was recovering from a car wreck in which he sustained broken ribs and a concussion last week. He was home and laid down for a nap and didn't wake up. Preliminary results indicate he died of heart failure.
Memorial Services will be held for Rodger Alan Pryor 2:00 p.m., Saturday, November 19, 2005, at the First Presbyterian Church in Enid. He married Christina Hackney (Julie's sister, by the way) in 1997 and they lived in Roundrock, Texas.
He was a 1979 graduate of Enid High School and of the School of Culinary Services at the University of Houston. He also attended Northern Oklahoma University and Oklahoma University. He was a Partner in Truffles & Flourishes Catering of Houston and management for AUSTACO of Austin.